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During previous lesson, we’ve already put the songs inside osu, next is to click on it~ (No shit Sherlock)

When you enter, you will see a black screen with a box with areas to fill out, don’t worry, that is completely normal.


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Next, we are going to explain how each of the function works

It will be a bit long, but please be patient~


Inside “Song Setup”, we have 6 main category for map setting.

Each of the function are as followed:


  • General (2-2-1):
    For song related information, difficulty names…etc.

  • Difficulty (2-2-2):
    For map difficulty, HP rate, and related settings.

  • Audio (2-2-3):
    For custom hitsounds’ related settings.

  • Colours (2-2-4):
    For object color, background colors related settings.

  • Design (2-2-5):
    For songs and other miscellaneous settings.  

  • Advanced (2-2-6):
    For changing specific gamemode of the map.

  • Artist: Artist of the song
    Fill in the name of the composer, if there is a singer then fill in the name of the singer, if it is Vocaloid then fill in P’s name.
    Here comes the problem~ If the scenario is: A. Composer, B. Lyrics, C. Singer, D. Remixer? Which one should I fill in? If it is Touhou and Vocaloid which one should I fill in now?
    Here’s a few simple way to prioritize artist box.
     First Priority: remixer, remake cover
     Second Priority: P’s name, original singer
     Third Priority: Arranger, band name
     Last Priority: Original composer, resource

    Now you won’t mess up~

  • Romanised Artist:Artist’s name in Romaji in case if artist name is in symbol or other language.
    If the song name only contains English and numbers in default then you won’t be required to fill it in. If there are other characters, please find your best friend, google.

  • Title: Song name
    Do I still need to explain? JUST DO IT!

  • Romanised Title: Song name in Romaji
    I’ve already said earlier~ google is your best friend~

  • Beatmap Creator: Name of beatmap creator.
    Preset is your ID when you logged in osu!, you may change it later.

  • Difficulty: Name of the difficulty
    Name it anything you want; however, if you are going to rank, please follow the ranking criterion guide, other than that, fill in anything.
    Side note: If you’ve created a “hard” difficulty and you name it “easy”, it will be totally fine. But don’t tell others that I said this (/me run)

  • Source: Where the song came from. (Optional)
    Usually you would put in the album name, don’t be one of those dummies who put in Youtube or NicoNico!

  • Tags: Tags of the map (Optional)Anything relatable. Such as: Which Touhou character, original song, which Vocaloid character…etc.




  • HP Drain Rate: Amount of HP gain and loss (Short for “HP”)
    Controls the amount of HP increased or decreased. The higher the HP, the easier you fail, same but opposite logic if the HP is low. Preset is at HP5.

  • Circle Size: The size of hitcircles (Short for “CS”)
    This is unrelated to taiko, won’t have any effect, it won’t be on the test, you don’t have to note it down~

  • Approach Rate: Speed of hitcircles appearing (Short for “AR”)
    This won’t be on the test, ignore it~

  • Overall Difficulty: Difficulty overall (Short for “OD”)
    Changes the accuracy judgement on the hitcircles. The higher the OD, the harder it is to gain accuracy, same concept for the opposite, the lower the OD, the easier the accuracy. Preset is OD5.


All of the options above can be tweaked to 1 decimal places when you hold “Shift”

With the description above, for a taiko map you would only have to consider HP and OD. You can ignore the rest.

If you really want to dig down more, below are some fundamental formula for HP and OD.



High Tech Warning!
Ignore it if you hate numbers! I’ve warned ya!



HP aspects:

  • The amount of HP gain you get from 100s is 50% of 300s. Which is half.

  • HP0 to HP10’s difference are equally spaced out.

  • When HP0, to have full HP bar, you will need to have 300s on 50% of the total note. When HP10, you will need to have 300s on 97.5% of the total notes.

  • HP’s gain and loss are calculated separately.

  • When HP0, each note reduces the HP bar total by approximately 0.18%. When HP10, each note reduces the HP bar total by approximately 1.2%


OD aspects:

  • OD0 to OD10’s difference are equally spaced out as well.

  • 100s’ judged area is 1.5 times larger in size than 300’s judged area.

  • When OD0, you get 300s if the miss is less than or equal to 50ms, if the miss is less than or equal to 125ms then you get 100s. When OD10, you get 300s if the miss is less than or equal to 20ms, if the miss is less than 50ms then you get 100s.

  • For “Taiko no Tatsujin”, the OD is approximately between 7.4~7.6.

You said it would be easier if I made a graph? Indeed~ but I’m lazy as hell. (/me run)

If you’ve understood everything above, to troll others with HP won’t be a problem~ (evil smiles)



High Tech Zone is over! Warning disabled!
Below is Safe Zone!





  • Default Sample Setting: Preset sound settings
    In here you can control the preset hitsounds of one of the three categories: Normal, Soft, Drum.
    Here it would relate to your skin’s custom hitsound; therefore, it might be different from others.

  • Enable custom overrides: Allow custom hitsounds.
    If you tick this box, you would be able to add custom hitsounds to your map.

  • Sample Volume: Volume of the preset hitsounds.
    Here you can change the volume of the preset hitsounds, buttons below are for preview purpose.
    This option can be changed later, it will be mentioned in other chapters. (If I still continue writing the tutorials)

  • Sample match playback rate: To sync hitsound with the same playback rate.
    Recommend to not tick the box, this option will make all your hitsounds sync with playback rate.
    Which implies that if you are playing the song at 50% speed, the hitsound will also play at 50% speed.




Back in the old days, taiko mode didn’t have automatic color change, which is why a lot of mappers have their own colors customed to blue and red.

It is completely useless now, just take it as a reference~

  • Hitcircle/Slider Combos: Object’s color setting
    You can change the color of an object.

  • Enable Custom Colours: Enables Custom Colurs
    Wat? You really want me to explain this?

  • Playfield Background: To change background’s base color.
    If you’ve already have a BG then just ignore this. (You won’t be able to see it anyway)




Here we will be managing SB (Storyboard)’s complicated settings. If the map doesn’t have any SB< you may ignore this section.

  • Countdown: Countdown at the start of the game.
    Before the first note, there would be a countdown. It does not apply to taiko mode, aka I won’t be explaining it in too much detail.

  • Widescreen Support: Allow the use of widescreen.
    If your map has storyboard, you may tick this box for a widescreen storyboard. You may check it by looking at the storyboard section.

  • Display storyboard in front of combo fire: Display storyboard in front of combo fire.
    Not effected in taiko, just ignore it.

  • Display epilepsy warning: Warning of visual health.
    If your storyboard has frequent color change or strong flashes, remember to tick the box. Health is very important.

  • Letterbox during breaks: Display a letterbox when break occurs.
    Remember do NOT tick this, it isn’t allowed in taiko mode.

  • Preferred Skin: Skin recommended for this map.
    You may ignore this too, 99% of the taiko players uses their own skins. Completely useless.




  • Stack Leniency: Changes the distance between note stacks.
    Only applies in standard mode, ignore it.

  • Allowed Modes: Game mode change
    This part is essential, be sure to change it. Which mode do you change it to? I believe I wouldn’t have to elaborate on this~ (smiles)


I know by reading everything above everyone is tired, take a break, take the next lesson tomorrow~


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